Email extractor

Search for Email Address in given text

Welcome to our email address search and reporting service! With this feature, you can easily search a submitted text for email addresses and receive a list of all addresses found. Whether you are looking to compile a list of email addresses for marketing purposes or simply trying to find a lost contact, our email address search tool has you covered.

How it works

To use our email address search and reporting service, simply input the text you want to search into the designated text box. Our system will then scan the text for any email addresses and return a list of all addresses found. It's as easy as that!


Let's say you have a long document, perhaps several pages, and you need to extract any email addresses contained within it. You can input the entire document into our email address search tool and receive a list of all email addresses found. This saves you time and effort in trying to manually search through the document to find the email addresses.

Fun Fact

Did you know that there are over 4.5 billion email users worldwide? That's a lot of email addresses to keep track of! Our email address search and reporting service can help you find a couple of those addresses.

Security Considerations

It's important to be cautious about where you share your email address, as it can potentially expose you to spam or phishing attacks. By using our email address search and reporting service, you can ensure that your email addresses are only shared with those you trust. Additionally, be mindful of any text that you input into the tool, as it may contain sensitive information that you don't want to be made public.

Other Benefits

In addition to helping you stay organized and secure, our email address search and reporting service can also be a useful tool for verifying the accuracy of your list of contacts. By running a search and receiving a report of all email addresses found, you can ensure that your list is up-to-date and accurate.

Give our email address search and reporting service a try today and see how it can make your email management tasks easier!

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